Antrim Armagh Carlow Cavan Clare Cork Derry Donegal Down Dublin Fermanagh Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Laois Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary Tyrone Waterford Westmeath Wexford Wicklow Logistics Own-Account Operator Road Haulier (RTOL) Tick below to confirm permissions for funding I hereby declare that the information provided in respect of this action plan is to the best of my knowledge correct. I am duly authorised to sign on behalf of the client organisation(s). I agree to allow SEAI or its delegated agent(s) to verify any of the information contained herein. I confirm that the DriverFocus has been involved in the execution of this project and is material to the achievement of the claimed savings. I agree to retain copies of data submitted for review by SEAI For GDPR I confirm my data (above) may be stored on ECOfleet servers located in the Republic of Ireland and accessed by DriverFocus and REIL/Enprova. ECOfleet is owned and operated by authentic solutions limite dt/a AEMS ECOfleet (Tel, 012305018)